Bharat Dhimmar UI UX Motion and Website Designer

Bharat Dhimmar UI/UX | Motion & Website Designer


UI/UX Designer Motion Designer Webflow Designer Wordpress Designer Figma Designer Prototype Designer

Create Cool Pattern in Figma Step by Step

Hey LinkedIn fam!😃

Want to attract more clients to your website? Look no further! Here are 5 effective strategies you can try:

1️⃣ Engaging Content:

Create valuable blog posts, videos, or guides that showcase your expertise.

For instance, if you’re a fitness coach, write a blog post on “5 Simple Exercises for a Stronger Core” to attract fitness enthusiasts.

2️⃣ SEO Magic:

Optimize your website for search engines. Use relevant keywords in your content, meta tags, and URLs.

Let’s say you’re a web designer in Lucknow, use keywords like “top web designer in Lucknow” to improve your website’s visibility.


3️⃣ Social Media Savvy:

Share your website content on social media platforms. Engage with your target audience, join relevant groups, and be helpful.

For example, if you’re a graphic designer, share your design tips and portfolio on platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn.

4️⃣ Email Marketing:

Build an email list and send regular newsletters with valuable content and special offers.

Offer a free downloadable resource, like an e-book or checklist, to encourage sign-ups.

5️⃣ Testimonials & Referrals:

Display client testimonials on your website to build trust. Encourage happy clients to refer you to their network. Offer incentives like discounts or rewards for successful referrals.

Give these strategies a go, and watch the clients flock to your website! 🚀💼

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Sorry folks! My website is currently taking a little nap to make some cool improvements. Don't worry, I'll be back soon and better than ever! So grab a snack, put on some tunes, and get ready to see some amazing changes. Stay tuned!